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Home - Hannover Messe 2020

Hannover Messe 2020
Hannover Messe 2020

Release time: Wednesday April 29th, 2020

The world of industry will not be able to meet in Hannover this year.


Comprehensive travel restrictions, bans on group gatherings and a prohibition decree in the Hannover region make it impossible to stage HANNOVER MESSE. At the same time, the corona crisis is affecting the economy, and the manufacturing industry – HANNOVER MESSE’s core clientele – is already struggling with serious consequences of the pandemic. Demand and sales in German industry are declining, resulting in supply bottlenecks, production stops and reduced working hours for employees.


“Given the dynamic development around Covid-19 and the extensive restrictions on public and economic life, HANNOVER MESSE cannot take place this year,” says Dr. Jochen Köckler, Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Messe AG. “Our exhibitors, partners and our entire team did everything they could to make it happen, but today we have to accept that in 2020 it will not be possible to host the world's most important industrial event.”


HANNOVER MESSE 2021 will be held from 12 to 16 April 2021.


We are looking forward to see you!


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Promostar Hardware Sales Team

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