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Home - SENSOR + TEST 2020


Release time: Wednesday April 29th, 2020

SENSOR+TEST 2020, ettc2020 and SMSI 2020 will not take place

Due to the still existing critical risk inherent in the Covid-19 pandemic the Bavarian government decided on 16 April 2020 that major events in Bavaria are prohibited until 31 August 2020. This does also affect the SENSOR+TEST now - the SENSOR+TEST 2020, the ettc2020 and the SMSI 2020 cannot be hold. 

Here is a summary of the most important information on the consequences:

Information for Exhibitors

Will AMA Service GmbH reimburse the participation costs for the SENSOR+TEST 2020 and the ettc2020?

According to Paragraph 12 of the Conditions for Participation, exhibitors have no claim for damages, withdrawal, nor reduction of the participation price in case of force majeure.

However, in view of the special circumstances, the AMA Service GmbH will grant - without prejudice to any legal obligation - exhibitors of the SENSOR+TEST 2020 a refund in the amount of 50% of the paid participation fee and additionally a credit note in the amount of 25% of the paid participation fee for 2020 if they register for the SENSOR+TEST 2021 no later than the 31st of October, 2020.

Exhibitors of the ettc2020 will be granted - without prejudice to any legal obligation - a refund in the amount of 50% of the paid participation fee and additionally a credit note in the amount of 25% of the paid participation fee for 2020 if they register for the ettc 2022 no later than the 31st of October, 2021 or if they register for the SENSOR+TEST 2021 no later than the 31st of October, 2020.

Moreover, the following supplementary services ordered from AMA Service GmbH will not be invoiced:  

  • Online catalog entries (description and product groups)
  • Extra services for the newsletter
  • Fees for co-exhibitors
  • Media flat rate for co-exhibitors
  • Syma shell scheme
  • Electrical mains outlet 3 kW
  • Power consumption flat rate

How will services (such as forum talks, advertisements, banners, exclusive promotions, exhibitor badges, etc.) ordered from AMA Service GmbH be dealt with?

We will cancel such orders and not invoice them.

How will services (such as water supply, power connections, system stands, parking tickets, etc.) ordered from the NürnbergMesse shop be dealt with?

These orders will generally be canceled. In case of stand erections please contact the service provider directly. Here costs for designs, drawings, etc. may be incurred.

Will AMA Service GmbH reimburse costs for services booked at third parties (such as hotels, transportation ticket providers, etc.)?

No, AMA Service GmbH will not reimburse such services. Please contact the third party in question directly.

When will the next SENSOR+TEST be held?
The SENSOR+TEST 2021 will be held from 4 – 6 May 2021.

What happens in the meantime?

We will continue to be there for you in the coming trade-fair free period. The internet portal for the SENSOR+TEST 2020 will remain online even beyond the trade fair date itself for your marketing activities. We will continue to post your notifications and innovations for public attention. The SENSOR+TEST newsletter and your submitted information will continue to be published via the various social media channels without charge.

Even if the Innovation Dialog can only be held digitally this year, we will continue to advance it with all means.

We will provide the following special services until 31 December 2020 free of charge:

  • Updating or expanding your catalog entry in the online portal
  • Entering your novelties and press releases in the online portal – they  may be considered for the newsletter and social media channels if the criteria are met. Placement wishes are no longer possible
  • Maintaining booked banners on the homepage
  • If you have booked forum lectures, you can send us your manuscripts. We will publish them as planned on our website.

Should you have any further questions …  
Your contacts continue to be available for you:


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